Nothing But Blueskies for Maryland Federation of Art

Nothing But Blueskies for Maryland Federation of Art, Art
Nothing But Blueskies for Maryland Federation of Art

Original digital prints of actual blueskies on different dates:
Artist Statement
Digital prints of nothing but blue skies.
Each photo is taken on a specific day.

The sky the open portal to the universe!
A gateway to peace, freedom, and infinite potential. In the context of the "Elementals" show, these blue expanses represent not just the literal vastness of the universe but also metaphorical openings to clarity, creativity, and introspection. The digital print has a date captured and invites viewers to transcend their immediate surroundings, offering a visual escape that prompts reflection on our inner worlds and the boundless opportunities that lie ahead. What was that date like for you? Through the serene blue, we are reminded of the limitless possibilities for transcendence, both within ourselves and in the universe at large.

I document days here:


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