The Experience of The Cloud

The Experience of The Cloud, Art
The Experience of The Cloud FIrst Place

Art    44 x 44 x 2    $4,550.00   

Oil on Canvas
Artist Statement
I've been exploring clouds for a while now, this work specifically focusses on the the edges where the cloud meets no cloud. Beyond being a universal motif that speaks to all of us (people have always looked up to the sky in wonder/prayer/meditation), now our climate crisis could affect what we see when we look up. When climate scientists run computer models to predict the impact of climate change, they are uncertain about the impact warming temperatures will have on clouds. Low scattered clouds, the type in these paintings, reflect 30% of the radiation coming from the sun, and have a cooling effect on the planet. High thin clouds allow the radiation in and then keep heat from escaping back into space. If the models that show more low scattered clouds are correct the warming will happen more slowly, hopefully giving us more time to come up with real solutions. The other scenario speeds up the warming and results in most days being gray.


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