Garden Imprint_6

Garden Imprint_6, Art
Garden Imprint_6

Art    15 x 10    $800.00   

Monotype - Oil based ink on paper
Artist Statement
This monotype is part of my Earth Sanctuary series that explores African Americans relationship to the earth through the lens of Black women gardeners. Black Americans' relationship to the earth has been a tumultuous one since our feet first touched the soil as enslaved Africans. The land we were forced to till and toil for others' profit was back-breaking and cruel. America benefited from our agricultural knowledge brought from Africa that fueled the economy of this nation. This artwork was carefully printed from plant matter generously given to me by two local gardeners I studied and interviewed in Virginia. The leaves, stems, and flowers were placed on gelatin plates that had been inked with a roller. Paper was then placed on top, pressure applied to the surface by hand, and then peeled to make an impression.


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